HRS-150S manyen ekran Rockwell Dite Tester

Kout deskripsyon:

Pwen esansyèl:

1. bon fyab, ekselan operasyon ak fasil gade;

2. elektwonik kondwi, estrikti senp, pa gen okenn pwa lè l sèvi avèk.

3. ka konekte PC a pwodiksyon

4. Konvèsyon Diferan Dite balans;


Suitable for quenching, quenching and tempering, annealing, chilled castings, malleable castings, hardness determination of hard alloy steel, aluminum alloy, copper alloy, bearing steel, etc. It is also suitable for surface hardened steel, material surface heat treatment and chemical treatment layer, copper, aluminum alloy, thin plate, galvanized, chrome plated, tin plated material, bearing steel, chilled castings, elatriye.

Detay Product

Tags pwodwi

ASD (5)
ASD (9)


1. motè -kondwi olye pou yo pwa -kondwi, li ka teste Rockwell la ak supèrfisyèl Rockwell echèl la plen;

2. Touch ekran koòdone senp, koòdone operasyon umanize;

3. Machine Main Kò an jeneral vide, deformation nan ankadreman an se ti, mezire valè se ki estab ak serye;

4.Powerful Done Processing Fonksyon, ka teste 15 kalite balans Rockwell dite, epi yo ka konvèti HR, HB, HV ak lòt estanda dite;

5. Endepandan magazen 500 kouche done, ak done yo pral sove lè pouvwa a etenn;

6.Initial chaj kenbe tan ak tan loading ka mete lib;

7. Limit anwo ak pi ba yo nan dite yo ka mete dirèkteman, montre ki kalifye oswa ou pa;

8. Avèk fonksyon koreksyon valè dite, chak echèl ka korije;

9. Ka valè a dite dwe korije dapre gwosè a nan silenn lan;

10. Konfòme li avèk dènye ISO, ASTM, GB ak lòt estanda.


Konfigirasyon estanda

Non Kantite Non Kantite
Machin prensipal 1 mete Diamond Rockwell Indenter 1pc
Φ1.588mm boul indenter 1pc Φ150mm tab k ap travay 1pc
Gwo tab k ap travay 1pc V-Type Table Table 1pc
Blòk dite 60 ~ 70 HRC 1 PC Blòk dite 20 ~ 30 HRC 1 PC
Blòk dite 80 ~ 100 hrb 1 PC Fuse 2A 2
Allen kle 1 Kle 1
Pouvwa kab 1 Kouvèti pousyè 1
Sètifikasyon pwodwi 1 Kopi Manyèl pwodwi 1 Kopi

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